Tuesday, September 13, 2011

GAH President and Founder Awarded Presidential Citation by APA

Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen Awarded Presidential Citation by
American Psychological Association

Dr. Van Dahlen is recognized for her visionary leadership and
her activism to harness the skills and generosity of
mental health professionals to care for this
nation's returning service members and their families 

(From left) Melba J.T. Vasquez, Ph.D., President, American Psychological Association, and Barbara Van
Dahlen, Ph.D., Founder and
President, Give an Hour

In 2005, Dr. Van Dahlen created Give an Hour, a nonprofit network of volunteer mental health professionals who provide free mental health services to U.S. troops, veterans, and their loved ones following deployment to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Born of her concern about the mental health implications of the war in Iraq, and started in her basement office, under her direction Give an Hour has grown into a 50-state network with 5,700 providers. She is frequently sought out by the press for her expertise on the psychological impact of war on troops and their families, and by the White House and top leadership of the Department of Defense as a thoughtful leader on mobilizing public, private, and community support for the nation's heroes. These efforts demonstrate her enduring commitment to doing good in the world, and to bringing the best that psychology has to offer to the needs of the community. In recognition of her many important contributions to psychology, the American Psychological Association presents Dr. Van Dahlen this Presidential Citation.

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